Wednesday, October 15, 2014

MAC Creme D' Nude Review

                            Hi! I am on a swatching kick today and decided to blog all of my MAC lipsticks in one day. No big deal, I only have 5. This one is the first I ever purchased. I've had it a few years now and picked it up when the very pale, nude lip was very popular. 

                                   Creme D' Nude. This one is a popular shade. When I uploaded a Youtube review on this a few years back, all these females were so vicious in pointing out that I pronounced the name incorrectly! Not Cream, but Cremmmme. Yes, I knew this, but in my defense, talking to a camera is weird and nerve wracking and I flubbed. So sue me! Hahaha. Moving on....this is a Cremesheen finish meaning it is almost glossy in texture. It has a ton of slip to it and applies a little more sheer than some other finishes. As you can see in this photo, a little of my lip is showing through and I applied it pretty heavily

                                    My lips are very naturally textured, so this kind of finish tends to settle in all the little cracks and crevices. My natural, naked lip color is actually darker than this shade. It can look a bit strange and is hard to pull off without looking sickly. What I LOVE it for is mixing with other shades to lighten them up. It's great for that. Don't be afraid to layer your lipstick to create a customized look! This little booger is almost used up. I will say that this finish does tend to be messy in the tube. It's so glossy that it almost melts and when applying, it will push up against the side of the tube. It has it's purpose, but I don't think it's a stand out shade, for me anyway. It's a permanent shade and retails for $16 on the Mac Cosmetics website, the counter at Macy's, and in Mac Stores. Thanks for reading and remember, you are beautiful, always!

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